So I've written a few micro sd cards over the years for my various Raspberry Pi projects. I always found it a pain to every time enable SSH and Wifi before boot by placing the ssh file and wifi profile on their respective places on the sd card before the first boot. Doing it manually with keyboard and display is even worse. I recently found out about the hidden options of the Raspberry Pi imager , and want to relay this information to my readers. So when you open the imager, it might look like this: Now, press Ctrl+Shift+X Tadaa! MUCH better, I now look forward to flashing for my next project!
I recently got the retro handheld Miyoo Mini Plus , love it so far! I also installed Onion OS on it, never even tried the stock experience. Your setup, especially in Home Assistant might differ, so try to adapt this guide to your needs. But enough intro, you're likely reading this because you want the battery percentage into Home Assistant or some other system. This isn't a food blog where you need to scroll a mile to get to the recipe. What you will need: A Miyoo Mini Plus Onion OS 4.2 (or newer as far as I know. I run 4.2.3 at the time of writing) Home Assistant with the Syncthing Add-On configured Or some other way of getting synced files read by Home Assistant MicroSD card reader and a computer, of course Some knowledge in Syncthing and Home Assistant What you need to do: Install Syncthing on the SD card and start it . Make sure it works. With the card inn your computer, create a folder on the root of the card, named syncthing Open the hidden folder named .tmp_update, a...
As you may know, I work at Intility in the application packaging space. I've been doing that since about 2015, and during that time I and my collegaues have developed standards and systems to help us package apps better and faster. The so far last and unifying system is AppPackBot, which you can read more about at Intility Engineering . I won't (and quite frankly can't) go into all the nuts and bolts beyond what that blog post says, but I wanted to share something. You see, there are mainly two "app stores" in a corporate Windows environment. Good old Software Center, and the new Company Portal. Software Center can be programmatically interacted with using the CCM_Application WMI Class . But Company Portal, not so much. I burst out laughing when I read this attempt to install an app from Company Portal using PowerShell. Tldr: Using the companyportal: protocol to open Company Portal with a given app guid, and then sending a ctrl+i keystroke that equals clicking ...
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